Available Grades:
  • Grade 1 (Special)
  • Grade 2 (FAQ)
  • Grade 1

Uncover the hidden gem of Ceylon Mace – delve into its unique flavor, culinary uses, and health benefits.

Mace is the outer coating of the nutmeg seed and is known for its vibrant red color and mildly astringent, floral quality.

Culinary Uses
Mace shares some flavor characteristics with nutmeg but has its unique qualities. It carries a mildly astringent, floral flavor that sets it apart from nutmeg.

With its subtly sweet, delicate flavor, mace can elegantly enhance creamy and mild dishes ranging from sauces to sweets. It also lends its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits, along with its gentle aroma, to natural health remedies, fragrances, and insect repellents.